HPC News Bytes 20240527: China and TSMC, CryptoSuper500 Report, Musk’s 100,000-GPU Cluster, EU and AI, Nvidia Keeps Hot Pace

Good Memorial Day morning to you! Here’s a rapid run-through of HPC-AI news: China, TSMC, and ASML; CryptoSuper500 report on bitcoin supercomputing, Musk’s ….

Tesla: Cooling Tech Engineer Stole Dojo Exascale Supercomputer Secrets

Theft of secret information about Tesla’s in-house supercomputer, the exascale-class “Project Dojo” system due to be up and running this year,  are at issue in a suit filed by the company against an HPC cooling technology engineer and former employee who joined Tesla in January and resigned this month. According to a story by Bloomberg […]

@HPCpodcast: Exascale in China and a Philosophical Turn on Riding Advanced Tech to Super-wealth and Media Power

The mystery shrouded in a riddle that is the state of exascale supercomputing in China is the main topic of this week’s @HPCpodcast episode. Setting off a re-focus on the recurring topic: the release of a research paper from PRC university scientists on the use of the Sunway TaihuLight system, the no. 4-ranked supercomputer on the Top500 list,  in “quantum many-body problems,” which are problems of extreme complexity and scale.

Radio Free HPC: Musk and Computer-Brain Interfaces; Oracle Adds Arm Servers to its HPC Cloud

This week Jessi, Henry, and Dan discuss computer-brain interfaces and how Elon Musk’s Neuralink has recently done this with a pig. Surprisingly, we have some concerns about this, primarily security and control… Our next topic is how Oracle is adding a bunch of new hardware to their HPC cloud, including Arm powered servers, Nvidia Ampere GPUs, and a new processor also called Ampere. The new gear is plenty sporty, listen to the pod to hear our discussion and evaluation.

Replay: GTC 2015 Keynote by Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang

This week insideHPC will be streaming live keynotes from the GPU Technology Conference in San Jose. Today’s opening keynote will feature Jen-Hsun Huang, Nvidia CEO and Co-Founder and Elon Musk, founder and CEO of the Tesla Motor company.”