Quantum: Photonic Adds to its Executive Management Team

VANCOUVER, May 2, 2024—Quantum in silicon company Photonic today announced it is adding to its executive leadership team in the areas of research and development, materials science, quantum technologies, marketing, human resources and legal. “Photonic has searched extensively for the right talent to help us achieve our ambitious goals. We are confident that, with these […]

Australian Government Invests $940M AUD in PsiQuantum

April 29, 2024 — The Australian government has announced a $940 million AUD — about $617 million US — investment in PsiQuantum, a Silicon Valley start-up with Australian roots, in a bid to build the world’s first commercially viable quantum computer in Brisbane. The federal and Queensland governments are each contributing $470 million to PsiQuantum […]

Pasqal and Welinq Partner to Develop Quantum Interconnects

Paris – April 23, 2024 – Neutral atom quantum computing company Pasqal and Welinq, a quantum networking company, today announced a partnership intended to to address challenging problems in neutral atom quantum computing. The companies said the next-generation Quantum Processing Units (QPUs) are expected to execute quantum algorithms relying on a large number of qubits, while […]

Quantum: D-Wave Introduces Anneal Feature

PALO ALTO, Calif – April 18, 2024 — Quantum computing company D-Wave Quantum Inc. (NYSE: QBTS) today launched the fast-anneal feature, available on all of D-Wave’s quantum processing units (QPUs) in the Leap real-time quantum cloud service. The fast-anneal feature has been a key part of D-Wave’s research milestones, including work published in Nature Physics (2022) and Nature (2023), […]

Riverlane Wins DARPA Quantum Benchmarking Program Grant

April 17, 2024 — Quantum computing company Riverlane has been selected for Phase 2 of the Quantum Benchmarking program funded by the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The aim of the program is to design key quantum computing metrics for practically relevant problems and estimate the required quantum and classical resources needed to reach […]

LBNL Leads Quantum Data Storage, Visualization Project

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has announced that national lab and university researchers recently released two papers introducing new methods of data storage and analysis to make quantum computing more practical and exploring how visualization helps in understanding quantum computing. “This work represents significant strides in understanding and harnessing current quantum devices for data encoding, processing, and visualization,” […]

HPC News Bytes 20240408: Chips Ahoy! …and Quantum Error Rate Progress

A good April morning to you! Chips dominate the HPC-AI news landscape, which has become something of an industry commonplace of late, including: TSMC’s Arizona fab on schedule, the Dutch government makes a pitch to ASML, Intel foundry business’s losses, TSMC expands CoWoS capacity, SK hynix to investing in Indiana and Purdue, Quantinuum and Microsoft report 14,000 error-free instances

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Unveils IBM Quantum System One

TROY, NY, April 5, 2024 — Today, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) and IBM unveiled the first IBM quantum computer on a university campus. Building on RPI’s bicentennial celebration of 200 years of firsts, the university said IBM Quantum System One will enhance educational and research opportunities for itself and other academic institutions and organizations across […]

Quantinuum and Microsoft Report 800x Lower Quantum Error Rate

Quantinuum and Microsoft report they have achieved a breakthrough in fault tolerant quantum computing “by demonstrating the most reliable logical qubits with active syndrome extraction, an achievement previously believed to be years away from realization,” the companies said.

Alice & Bob and Partners Granted €16.5M to Cut Quantum Costs

PARIS — March 27, 2024 — Alice & Bob, a fault tolerant quantum computing hardware developer, and academic partners ENS de Lyon and Mines Paris – PSL, announced the receipt of a €16.5 million ($17.8 million USD) grant, a France 2030 initiative operated on behalf of the French state by Bpifrance, France’s public investment bank. […]