The deadline is Monday, Jan. 15, to register for the free, online series “Introduciton to AI-Driven Science on Supercomputers,” hosted by the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF). The series will focus on teaching the fundamentals of using world-class supercomputers to advance the use of AI for research.
Registration and other information can be found here. Attendees will receive a link to the event once they have registered. Participants who complete all hands-on exercises for the course will receive a certificate of completion and a digital badge.
The series will be held on Tuesdays from 3-4:30 pm Central Time from February 6 to March 26.
Aimed at undergraduate and graduate students, the eight-week virtual training series will provide hands-on experience with ALCF supercomputing resources, offering a unique learning opportunity that will give participants a leg up in the emerging field of AI for Science.
Week 1: Intro to Artificial Intelligence on Supercomputers
Week 2: Introduction to Neural Networks
Week 3: Advanced Topics in Neural Networks
Week 4: Introduction to Large Language Models (LLMs)
Week 5: LLMs: Embeddings and Tokenization
Week 6: Parallel Training Methods for AI
Week 7: AI Accelerators
Week 8: Evaluating LLMs and Potential Pitfalls