@HPCpodcast: Who’s Winning the High-Stakes U.S-China AI Race?

If you’re concerned about the advanced chip competition between the U.S. and China – and who isn’t? – then this week’s @HPCpodcast guest offers much food for thought. Handel Jones, founder and CEO of the International Business Strategies consulting firm, is the author of a new book, WHEN AI RULES THE WORLD: China, The U.S., And The Race To Control A Smart Planet. He contends that China is winning the AI race in part because the leadership of the PRC regime is more competent and technically astute than some in the West may think.

@HPCpodcast: Industry Analyst Steve Conway Ranges Across the Global HPC Scene

In this episode of @HPCpodcast, Shahin and Doug caught up with Steve Conway, former senior advisor at Hyperion Research and now head of his own consulting firm, Conway Communications. A well-known HPC executive and analyst who was formerly with IDC and Cray, Conway engages us in a wide ranging discussion – we start with edge HPC and trends towards massively-distributed, massively-heterogeneous computing, which takes us to the convergence of HPC and AI, mixed precision spectrum, the importance of simulation, the impact of exascale on general computing, the “indigenous technology” trend that has taken root in the U.S., China and Europe and it’s impact on scientific collaboration, U.S.-China funding model differences, and the necessary ingredients for attracting top talent.

The US-China Supercomputing Race, Post-Exascale HPC Government Policy and the ‘Partitioning of the Internet’

All over the world, HPC has burst into geopolitics. HPC – broadly defined here as advanced supercomputing combined with big AI – is at the fault lines of national and regional rivalries, particularly between the U.S. and China, expanding in power, cost, intensity and in potential impact. Which is to say that global players put […]