If you are considering moving some of your HPC workload to the Cloud, nothing leads the way like a good set of case studies in your scientific domain. To this end, our good friends at the UberCloud have published a compendium entitled, Exploring Life Sciences in the Cloud. The document includes 36 CFD case studies summarizing HPC Cloud projects that the UberCloud has performed together with the engineering community over the last six years.
From the 220 cloud experiments we have done so far, we selected 15 case studies related to the life sciences. We document the results of these research teams, their applications, findings, challenges, lessons learned, and recommendations. We want to thank our main Compendium sponsors HPE, Intel, Microsoft, and the Bio-IT Team who published a short summary of the very first edition of this compendium in Bio-IT World.
Case studies include:
- Download Compendium for Exploring Life Sciences in the Cloud by filling in the form.
- By downloading this compendium, you will get access to the following case studies:
- Molecular Dynamics of the Mutant PI3Kα Protein
- Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis
- Performance Analysis of GROMACS Molecular Dynamics for Simulating Enzyme Substrate
- Open Source Clinical Cancer Genomics Pipeline in the Cloud
- Pulsatile flow in a Right Coronary Artery Tree
- Complex Blood Flow through Cardiovascular Medical Device Using OpenFOAM on Advania
- CFD Simulation of Airflow within a Nasal Cavity
- Implantable Planar Antenna Simulation with ANSYS HFSS in the Cloud
- Studying Drug-induced Arrhythmias of a Human Heart with Abaqus 2017 in the Cloud
- Development and Calibration of Cardiac Simulator to Study Drug Toxicity
- HPC Cloud Performance of Peptide Benchmark Using LAMMPS Molecular Dynamics Package
- HPC Cloud Simulation of Neuromodulation in Schizophrenia
- Establishing the Design Space of a Sparged Bioreactor on Azure
- Fluid-Structure Interaction of Artificial Aortic Heart Valves in the Cloud
- Simulation of a Personalized Left Atrial Appendage Occluder (PLAAO) Device using the Living Heart Model