ISC 2024 Annouces Winners of Student Cluster Competition

The ISC 2024 Student Cluster Competition welcomed 19 virtual and eight in-person teams. The in-person teams competed at ISC 2024, while the virtual teams competed using the Bridges-2 supercomputers at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh), as well as the supercomputer HLRE-4 Levante at Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum (DKRZ). The online competition winning teams […]

HPC-AI Advisory Council Announces Student Teams Competing in the 11th Annual ISC-HPCAIAC Student Cluster Competition

Sunnywale, CA — The HPC-AI Advisory Council (HPCAIAC), in collaboration with the ISC Group, organizers of Europe’s premier HPC forum, today announced the annual team selections for the 2021 ISC-HPCAIAC Student Cluster Competition (SCC). Challenging international students in a real-time contest, the competition is a key component of HPCAIAC’s mission to extend knowledge and education […]

ISC 2020 Student Cluster Competition: The Winner Is….

Students from China’s University of Science and Technology (USTC) won first place in this year’s annual Student Cluster Competition at the ISC 2020 Digital conference. This year’s competition focused on the global fight against Covid-19 by including applications that address education and applied learning towards accelerating bioscience research and discovery. The teams, totaling 80 students, were tasked to test several applications used by scientists and researchers for finding a cure for the pandemic.

ISC19 Student Cluster Configurations: Less is More, GPUs Rule

In this special guest feature, Dan Olds from OrionX shares first-hand coverage of the Student Cluster Competition at the recent ISC 2019 conference. “I’m constantly amazed by the how many different system configurations we see in Student Cluster Competitions. Given that everyone has to use hardware that’s currently available on the market and they all have to be under the 3,000 watt power cap, you’d think that the systems would gravitate towards a common configuration – but you’d be wrong.”