Exascale’s New Software Frontier: E3SM-MMF

“Exascale’s New Frontier,” a project from the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility, explores the new applications and software technology for driving scientific discoveries in the exascale era. The Scientific Challenge Gauging the likely impact of a warming climate on global and regional water cycles poses one of the top challenges in climate change prediction. Scientists […]

Let’s Talk Exascale: Forecasting Water Resources and Severe Weather with Greater Confidence

In this episode of Let’s Talk Exascale, Mark Taylor of Sandia National Laboratories talks about using exascale supercomputers for severe weather and water resource forecasting. A sub-project within the US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Exascale Computing Project (ECP) called E3SM-MMF is working to improve the ability to simulate the water cycle and the processes around precipitation. Our guest on the latest episode of ECP’s podcast, Let’s Talk Exascale, is Mark Taylor of Sandia National Laboratories, principal investigator of the E3SM-MMF project.