NERSC is inviting proposals for projects that will leverage NERSC’s Perlmutter supercomputer to push the state of the art in Generative AI (GenAI) and deep learning for science and produce novel science outcomes. We are specifically seeking teams with expertise using deep learning for science, a deep understanding of the scientific domain, and demonstrated proofs-of-concept. NERSC staff […]
HPC System Analyst Jackie Scoggins Reflects on Her Time at NERSC
As part of cthe 50th anniversary celebrations for the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), “In Their Own Words” is a Q&A series featuring voices from across the NERSC landscape, past and present, about their experiences at NERSC. Jackie Scoggins arrived at NERSC in 1996 as a system analyst and administrator for the Computational […]
NERSC RFP: 40 ExaFLOPS Mixed Precision Expected from Perlmutter AI Supercomputer Successor
Last August, NERSC (the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory announced its intent to commission “NERSC-10,” a next-generation supercomputer to be delivered “in the 2026 timeframe” for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science research community. The system will succeed Perlmutter, the 6,000 NVIDIA GPU-powered (with AMD CPUs), 4-exaFLOPS […]
Preparing for SC22: 3 HPC Thought Leaders on Sessions to Go to, Trends to Watch Next Week in Dallas
SC22 is around the corner, and there’s a special feeling surrounding this year’s annual conference, it being the first SC many of us will have attended in person since 2019. Getting the most out of the conference in Dallas next week calls for good preparation, so as an assist to attendees we spoke with three industry thought leaders – Katie Antypas of NERSC, Earl Joseph of Hyperion Research and Addison Snell of Intersect360 Research – about conference events, keynotes and potential news developments they think will be worthy of your attention.
SC21: Three HPC Thought Leaders’ Planning Suggestions for the Hybrid Conference
SC21, the biggest HPC confab of the year, is upon us, and making the most of the hybrid conference calls for good time management. As an assist to both in-person and virtual attendees we spoke with three industry thought leaders – Katie Antypas of NERSC, Earl Joseph of Hyperion Research and Addison Snell of Intersect360 Research – about conference events they think will be noteworthy.
We cover key technologies to be covered by sessions and BOFs; significant HPC market trends (software, storage and cloud HPC in particular); the explosion of HPC+AI; the coming of exascale supercomputing….
Super-connected HPC: Superfacility Links National Lab Research Sites
By Mike May, on behalf of DEIXIS: Computational Science at the National Laboratories High performance computing (HPC) is only as valuable as the science it produces. To that end, a National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) project at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has been expanding its reach through a superfacility – “an experimental facility […]