June 5, 2024 — In a new paper in Science Advances on May 29, researchers at JPMorgan Chase, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory and Quantinuum have demonstrated clear evidence of a quantum algorithmic speedup for the quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA). This algorithm has been studied extensively and has been implemented […]
JPMorgan Chase, Argonne and Quantinuum Show Theoretical Quantum Optimization Speedup
ALCF to Hold Annual Simulation, Data and Learning Workshop Oct. 4-6
The ARgonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF) will hold its annual Simulation, Data and Learning Workshop this October 4-6. The event is designed to help researchers improve the performance and productivity of simulation, data science, and machine learning applications on ALCF systems. Registration is here. Workshop participants will have the opportunity to: Work directly with ALCF […]
Argonne’s Polaris Supercomputer Deployed for Scientific Research
Argonne National Laboratory announced that the Polaris supercomputer, a 44-petaflops HPE system powered by AMD CPUs and NVIDIA GPUs, is now open to the research community. Researchers can apply for computing time through the ALCF’s Director’s Discretionary allocation program. Details on the system can be found here. The system, housed at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility […]
DOE Awards 18M HPC Node Hours to 45 ASCR Projects, Including Access to Perlmutter, Polaris and Frontier
June 29, 2022 – Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced that 18 million node-hours have been awarded to 45 scientific projects under the Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) Leadership Computing Challenge (ALCC) program. The projects, with applications ranging from advanced energy systems to climate change to cancer research, will use DOE supercomputers with the goal of uncovering […]