John Shalf
HAMBURG, Germany, September 28, 2022 – The organizers of ISC High Performance have announced that John Shalf, department head for Computer Science at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), will be the ISC 2023 Program Chair.
Shalf is is a nearly 30-year veteran of the HPC industry, having started at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) in 1994.
The ISC 2023 Conference and Exhibition is the 38th in the series and will be held next year from May 21-25 in Hamburg, Germany. It will be an on-site event and offers comprehensive on-demand content for those unable to attend in person. Over 3,000 attendees are expected to participate in Hamburg.
Shalf is a long-time ISC collaborator. He has delivered invited talks and chaired panels at ISC for over a decade, advocating for a systems architecture to expedite the industry’s exascale goals. He has also served on different ISC conference steering committees, helping to shape the technical program.
Behind the scenes, Shalf has lent his expertise to lay the groundwork for executing the US government’s exascale ambition since 2009. He also formerly served as the Deputy Director for Hardware Technology on the US Department of Energy (DOE)-led Exascale Computing Project (ECP) before he returned to his department head position at LBNL. He has co-authored over 100 peer-reviewed publications in the field of parallel computing software and HPC technology.
On his appointment and vision for the conference, Shalf said, “At ISC 2022, we finally saw first light on the new era of exascale computing with the ORNL Frontier system and the EU Lumi following closely in their footsteps. But with the gradual slowing of Moore’s Law, it is time for a new beginning for HPC.
“We look to grow performance beyond exascale with future systems through emerging technologies and economic models such as open chiplets, heterogeneous integration, architectural specialization, and even new models of computation that look beyond today’s CMOS digital technology.”
Shalf is pleased to work with the ISC deputy program chair, Dr. Michela Taufer, who holds the Jack Dongarra Professorship in High Performance Computing in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Tennessee Knoxville (UTK).
Both individuals will be supported by the technical committee members dedicated to ensuring the technical program covers all crucial areas within high performance computing, machine learning, high performance data analytics, and quantum computing. They also aim to see greater geographic, age, and gender diversity in the speaker selection.
ISC 2023 Topics
Below is the selection of the ISC 2023 overall themes and specific topics, which will be addressed in the contributed program (including research papers), and the invited program (including keynotes and focus sessions).
System Architecture
Emerging HPC Processors and Accelerators
Memory and Storage Technology
Extreme Heterogeneity
Resource Disaggregation
Exascale Systems
Sustainability and Energy Efficiency
Computing Beyond Moore’s Law
Parallel Programming Models & Performance Modeling
Parallel Programming Languages
Managing Extreme-Scale Parallelism
Performance Modeling and Tuning
HPC Workflows
Applications & Algorithms
Climate and Weather Modeling
Workflows from Edge to Cloud
Life Science
Numerical Libraries
Mixed Precision Algorithms
Visualization and Virtual Reality
Industrial Use Cases of HPC, ML and QC
Digital Twins
Machine Learning
AI Applications
Explainable ML Technology
ML Systems and Tools
Autonomous Driving
Big Data Analytics
Quantum Computing
Quantum Computing – State of the Art
Quantum Program Development and Optimization
Quantum Computing – HPC Integration