Atos Wins UK Quantum Simulator Contract

No sooner did the news break that Atos had accepted a £24 million settlement with the UK government over a major supercomputing contract award (HPE’s weather supercomputer for the UK Met Office) than the UK announced it has purchased a second quantum computing simulator from Atos. The Quantum Learning Machine (QLM) is a quantum simulator […]

Exascale in China? 40 Million Cores Used for Many-Body Quantum Simulation

For several years, some in the HPC community have suspected China of sandbagging the world on its true supercomputing capabilities. Those suspicions may have been confirmed with the publication of a research paper last week in which Chinese university researchers reported that 40 million heterogeneous cores within China’s Sunway supercomputer have been directed at a […]

NVIDIA at GTC: 60+ Updates to CUDA-X Libraries for Accelerated Computing

As NVIDIA kicked off virtual GTC this morning, the company unveiled more than 60 updates to its CUDA-X libraries, tools and technologies for developers building accelerated applications in HPC-related fields such as 6G, quantum computing, genomics, drug discovery and logistics optimization, as well as robotics, cybersecurity and data analytics. NVIDIA also said the CUDA platform […]