CEA-Leti Reports 3-Layer Integration, Progress toward AI-Embedded CMOS Image Sensors

DENVER – May 31, 2024 – CEA-Leti scientists have reported three projects at ECTC 2024 that they say are steps to enabling CMOS image sensors (CIS) that can exploit image data to perceive a scene, understand the situation and intervene in it – capabilities that require embedding AI in the sensor. Demand for smart sensors is […]

UCSD and CEA-Leti Paper: DC-DC Converter Unifies Power Switches on a Single Chip

SAN DIEGO and GRENOBLE, France – Feb. 20, 2024 – University of California San Diego and CEA-Leti scientists report they have developed a ground-breaking piezoelectric-based DC-DC converter that unifies all power switches onto a single chip to increase power density. This new power topology, which extends beyond existing topologies, blends the advantages of piezoelectric converters […]

CEA-Leti Paper Reports Memristor-Based Bayesian Neural Network Implementation

GRENOBLE, France – Dec. 7, 2023 – A team comprising CEA-Leti, CEA-List and two CNRS laboratories has published a paper in Nature Communications presenting what the authors said is the first complete memristor-based Bayesian neural network implementation for a real-world task — classifying types of arrhythmia recordings with precise aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty. Considering medical-diagnosis and […]

CEA-Leti Presents RRAM’s ‘Promising Advantages’ For Neuromorphic/In-Memory Computing at IEDM 2022

SAN FRANCISCO – Dec. 7, 2022 – A CEA-Leti tutorial presented at IEDM 2022 highlighted promising advantages that resistive random-access memory (RRAM) technologies hold for implementing novel neuromorphic/in-memory computing systems for massively parallel, low-power and low-latency computation. In a presentation titled “Resistive Memories-Based Concepts for Neuromorphic Computing”, Elisa Vianello, CEA-Leti’s edge AI program manager, said RRAMs, aka memristors, offer advantages […]

CEA-Leti: Neuromorphic Device Uses Up to ‘5 Orders of Magnitude’ Less Energy

GRENOBLE, France – July 7, 2022 – Technical research institute CEA-Leti announced it has developed an event-driven, object-localization system that couples piezoelectric, ultrasound transducer sensors to a neuromorphic, resistive memories-based computational map. Presented in a paper published recently in Nature Communications, the research team describes development of an auditory-processing system that increases energy efficiency by up […]

CEA-Leti Scientist Elisa Vianello Receives €3 Million ERC Grant for Nanoscale Memories

GRENOBLE, France – March 22, 2021 – CEA-Leti today announced that Elisa Vianello, senior scientist and Edge AI program coordinator, has received a €3 million grant from the European Research Council (ERC) to build nanoscale memory devices inspired by insect nervous systems for such applications as consumer robotics, implantable medical diagnostic microchips and wearable electronics. The […]

CEA-Leti Announces EU Project to Mimic Multi-Timescale Processing of Biological Neural Systems

 GRENOBLE, France – April 20, 2021 – CEA-Leti announced today the launch of an EU project to develop a novel class of algorithms, devices and circuits that reproduce multi-timescale processing of biological neural systems. The results will be used to build neuromorphic computing systems that can process efficiently real-world sensory signals and natural time-series data […]

CEA-Leti Envisions LiDAR Systems Based on Integrated Optical Phased Arrays

GRENOBLE, France – March 8, 2021 – Taking a step toward developing LiDAR systems for widespread commercial applications, CEA-Leti has developed genetic algorithms to calibrate high-channel-count optical phased arrays (OPAs), as well as an advanced measurement setup enabling wafer-scale OPA characterization. OPAs are an emerging technology made of arrays of closely spaced (around 1µm) optical antennas […]