Dr. Ilkay Altintas from SDSC gave this Invited Talk at SC19. “This talk will review some of our recent work on building this dynamic data driven cyberinfrastructure and impactful application solution architectures that showcase integration of a variety of existing technologies and collaborative expertise. The lessons learned on use of edge and cloud computing on top of high-speed networks, open data integrity, reproducibility through containerization, and the role of automated workflows and provenance will also be summarized.”
SC19 Invited Talk: Next Generation Disaster Intelligence Using the Continuum of Computing and Data Technologies
Supercomputing the Future Path of Wlldfires
In this KPBS video, firefighters in the field tap an SDSC supercomputer to battle wild fires. Fire officials started using the supercomputer’s WIFIRE tool in September. WIFIRE is a sophisticated fire modeling software that uses real-time data to run rapid simulations of a fire’s progress. It helps to see where the fire is likely going to go,” said Raymond De Callafon, a UCSD engineer who worked on the project. “So, a fire department can use this for planning purposes with their limited resources. It can also be used to plan, maybe their aircraft that will go over. Where to put the fire out.”