As we approach the end of another big year for high-performance computing, our friends over at Altair are excited to return live to the world’s biggest supercomputing event, joining thousands of others at SC22 in the pursuit of driving change with HPC. Our ever-changing industry demands innovation and we’re ready to meet the challenge.
Back at Supercomputing with Altair Live in Dallas
The Three Variations of Supercomputing Cloud Technologies

“Cloud computing” is one of the most overloaded terms in the history of information technology. Yes, there is the NIST Definition of Cloud Computing that many will point to, but the sheer number of adaptations of models for “enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand” access to computing resources knows no limit. In this sponsored post, our friends at Atos provide three major and very different types of issues and found that a common technology thread worked across the board. In fact, they also learned that while the models are different, organizations often benefit from more than one.
The More You Scale, the Less You Pay … No, Really

Ansys Cloud, the managed cloud service provided by Ansys and enabled on Microsoft Azure, recently announced availability of 3rd Gen AMD EPYC processors with AMD 3D V-Cache with HBv3 virtual machines (VMs). The development unites three powerful catalysts of innovation — chip development, simulation, and cloud computing — to offer a more robust, three-layered approach to computing without on-premises hardware restrictions.
High Performance Computing for R&D

In this eBook, sponsored by Rescale, Microsoft Azure and AMD, we take a look at HPC deployments in support of R&D efforts. In many ways, the HPC solution in the cloud offered by Rescale on Azure delivers an unprecedented amount of power while solving for many crucial and common challenges faced by R&D and design teams across many industries.
HPC as a Service to Accelerate Transformational Growth

[SPONSORED POST] This whitepaper discusses how HPC delivered as a service through HPE GreenLake combines the power and compliance of on-premises systems, with cloud-like financial flexibility, ease of management, and consumption-based pricing. HPE managed services and support help accelerate HPC time to value. Without upheaval, customers get a smoother, faster path to better business through HPC.
HPC as a Service to Accelerate Transformational Growth

This whitepaper discusses how HPC delivered as a service through HPE GreenLake combines the power and compliance of on-premises systems, with cloud-like financial flexibility, ease of management, and consumption-based pricing. HPE managed services and support help accelerate HPC time to value. Without upheaval, customers get a smoother, faster path to better business through HPC.
Delivering on the Promise of Hybrid Multi Cloud for HPC

[Sponsored Post] HPC cloud usage is expanding across all industry sectors with a strong desire from customers for a flexible hybrid model that can be deployed in a multi-cloud scenario. With the acquisition of Nimbix and the combination of Nimbix JARVICE XE with existing tools and frameworks, Andy Grant, Vice President at Atos describes how the company has created the industry’s most comprehensive portfolio of cloud HPC products and services with which to address the full range of envisaged HPC usage scenarios.
Bright Helps Life Sciences Customer Make the Cloud a More Economical Choice than On-premise for their HPC Environment

[SPONSORED POST] In this contributed article, Bill Wagner, CEO of Bright Computing, discusses how Bright Computing has provided a proven method for companies on the outside of HPC looking in to affordably leverage cloud resources and achieve tangible competitive advantage. Companies in Life Sciences have been able to provision additional compute capacity on the fly as needed while keeping their costs much lower than maintaining a cluster in their data center, enabling them to compete effectively with much larger competitors.
Purdue University Seeing New Opportunities for Innovation with Cloud Technology Using Azure’s AMD EPYC™ Processor-based HBv3 Instances

In this sponsored article, Preston Smith, Director of Research Services and Support at Purdue University, discusses how Purdue University’s community cluster program has supported scientists from every corner of the campus since 2004, building upon decades of experience at Purdue in scientific computing. Batch high-performance computing remains the scientists’ bread and butter, with current community clusters delivering hundreds of millions of CPU-hours each year, but cloud technology, using Azure’s AMD EPYC™ processor-based HBv3 instances, is providing new opportunities for innovation.
Supermicro AMD A+ Servers Meeting the HPC Challenge

As a result of the high demand for HPC, we’re seeing private and public sector organizations pursue hardware solutions architected with innovative high performance and high efficiency server technology. Hardware vendors that develop and offer end-to-end green computing solutions for use in the data center – HPC, AI, cloud computing, enterprise IT, big data, IoT, and embedded markets – are primed to reap the benefits of this upswing in demand.