Comments for High-Performance Computing News Analysis | insideHPC At the Convergence of HPC, AI and Quantum Fri, 27 Oct 2023 18:25:55 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on @HPCpodcast: David Barkai on His New Book ‘Unmatched: 50 Years of Supercomputing’ by Ricardo V B Franco Wed, 20 Sep 2023 20:14:48 +0000 Congrats. Good talk!

Comment on @HPCpodcast: David Barkai on His New Book ‘Unmatched: 50 Years of Supercomputing’ by Everardo Ruiz Fri, 15 Sep 2023 15:11:41 +0000 “Barkai’s model”!
Barkai’s Law !

Comment on HPC and AI Workloads Drive Storage System Design by Jeff Scott Sun, 27 Aug 2023 14:51:39 +0000 thank you. I will recommend you to my friends and acquaintances

Comment on McKinsey on the Future of Compute: The Rise of Domain-Specific Architectures by Dinesh Rajput Mon, 07 Aug 2023 10:13:53 +0000 Good article

Comment on Oak Ridge Scientists Use Quantum Computer for Solar Cell Research by Elan Moritz Tue, 01 Aug 2023 15:20:16 +0000 Congrats ! Now, I would like to see what can be done using HPC, Quantum Computing * AI* for example with ChatGPT and other LLMs.

Comment on HPC News Bytes: SC23, China Tech Export Controls, Linux Wars Expand, Chiplet Scale-out, Quantum by Stack Korora Mon, 17 Jul 2023 22:56:14 +0000 Greetings,
Full disclosure – I work on Rocky Linux and am a team lead. I’m posting on my own initiative.

Timestamp: 2:12 – “…this has set off a lot of response from Alma Linux, Oracle, CIQ, SuSE, among others…”
Rocky is not CIQ and CIQ is not Rocky. By mentioning CIQ with the other distros, but not mentioning Rocky it seems like you are equating the two.

While CIQ is a valuable sponsor, they do not speak on behalf of Rocky. There are many of us who work on Rocky that do not have business relationships with CIQ nor interact with CIQ outside of their employees who also work on Rocky. Similarly, there are several valuable sponsors of Rocky who have also been speaking out about these news events. While we greatly appreciate our sponsors and their support, they do not have any more sway over Rocky then any other member.

The RESF and Rocky charter is very clear that membership is earned by community participation, it can not be bought, and no one company can hold power over Rocky.

Thanks! And keep up the informative podcasts! I enjoy the in depth interviews and I am liking the new short-form news recaps too.

Comment on Outgoing Exascale Computing Project Director Doug Kothe Takes on New Role at Sandia Labs by Stephanie Ellars Mon, 19 Jun 2023 19:44:46 +0000 Terrific article on a legend! Best of luck, Doug!

Comment on @HPCpodcast: A Look Back at ISC 2023 with a Look Ahead to the Uncertain Future of Leadership-Class Supercomputing by Joseph pareti Fri, 09 Jun 2023 19:30:10 +0000 Dan Reed is right. Follow the money.

Comment on Micron to Bring EUV Technology for Memory Manufacturing to Japan by Teknik Komputer Fri, 09 Jun 2023 08:23:11 +0000 What role does EUV lithography play in Micron’s semiconductor manufacturing process, and how does it impact memory product performance?

Comment on At ISC 2023: AWS’s Debra Goldfarb Talks Cloud HPC Growth and the Fight against Global Food Insecurity by Joseph Pareti Fri, 09 Jun 2023 07:15:56 +0000 A proofpoint that HPC, AI and cloudcomputing are the way to go. This presentation makes the keynote slide ‘follow the money ‘ – which is about FAANG in the driver’s seat, stand out.
