OCP Global Summit to Be in San Jose, Oct. 18–20, 2022

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The Open Compute Project (OCP) Global Summit will be held in person on Oct. 18-20 at the San Jose Convention Center in San Jose. More information can be found here.

The conference organizers said the event will include:

  • Two days of engineering workshops.
  • An extra day for the Expo Hall.
  • The Future Technologies Symposium, which will be held on day two  as part of the regular Summit schedule.
  • While the summit will be an in-person event, all sessions will be recorded and provided to the community at-large post-event.

Here is a quick preview of the new schedule:

Day 1 – Tuesday, October 18
Expo Hall
Executive Talks
Opening Night Happy Hour

Day 2 – Wednesday, October 19
Expo Hall
Engineering Workshops
Future Technologies Symposium
Expo Hall Talks

Day 3 – Thursday, October 20
Expo Hall
Engineering Workshops
Expo Hall Talks