Exascale machines are now just a few years away, but what happens after that? Roscoe Giles from Boston University will lead an SC19 session entitled: Whither Advanced Scientific Computing After Exascale Is Achieved?
The goal of this BoF is to discuss the landscape for advanced scientific computing after the United States achieves the exascale milestone. What are possible future breakthroughs? What are promising computing and mathematics research directions? How do we organize people and resources to move forward? How do we sustain and broaden the impact of exascale technology? These questions will be introduced by members of a task force that is studying beyond the Exascale Computing Project. The community discussion will inform both the participants and the task force members.

Roscoe Giles is a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Boston University (BU). Giles’ research focuses on the application of high performance and parallel computing to physics and materials problems. Giles has served in a number of leadership roles in the community, including as a member and chair of the DOE Advanced Scientific Computing Advisory Committee (ASCAC) and of the Board of Trustees of Associated Universities Inc (AUI). He was also the General Chair of SC02. Professor Giles received his PhD in Physics from Stanford University in 1975.
Registration is now open for SC19, which takes place Nov. 17-22 in Denver.