Haniye Kashgarani, RMACC poster winner, 2022
BOULDER, CO – Haniye Kashgarani, a graduate student at the University of Wyoming in Laramie, has been named the winner of the annual student poster competition at the Rocky Mountain Advanced Computing Consortium’s (RMACC) High Performance Computing Symposium.
This was the RMACC’s 12th annual HPC Symposium and the 10th annual Student Poster Competition held in conjunction with the event.
Kashgarani’s entry, titled “Exploring Performance of GeoCAT data analysis routines on GPUs”, earned her an all-expenses paid trip to the Supercomputing Conference – SC22 – in Dallas, TX in November. She plans to enter her poster in competition there as well.
A 3rd year Ph.D. student in UW’s Computer Science program, Kashgarani earned her bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering at the Shariaty Technical College of Tehran before enrolling at Wyoming. Following completion of her Ph.D. in 2024, or sooner, she hopes to find a research position in Machine Learning and Optimization, the primary focus of her Thesis.
Kashgarani thanked her advisor, Dr. Lars Kotthoff, her NCAR mentors, Cena Miller, Supreeth Suresh, and Anissa Zacharias, and her husband Ahmad Ansari for their ongoing support of her studies and research work.
Primarily a volunteer organization, the RMACC is a collaboration among 33 academic and research institutions located in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. To learn more about the RMACC and its mission, visit the website: www.rmacc.org/